What is tinnitus? Tinnitus refers to the experience of hearing an intermittent or constant ringing or buzzing sound that originates from inside your ears. Unlike external noises, this sound is generated internally.

While not typically considered serious, tinnitus can have a significant impact on your daily life. It can disrupt your ability to relax and concentrate, especially at night when the constant noise can make it challenging to fall asleep. Additionally, social situations may become less enjoyable as the noise in your ears becomes prominent and distracting.

Fortunately, there are strategies and lifestyle changes that can help manage and cope with tinnitus, such as practicing relaxation techniques, using white noise or background music, avoiding loud environments, and considering the use of hearing aids or sound therapy devices designed to provide relief. It’s important to explore these options and work with healthcare professionals to find the best approaches for managing your tinnitus and improving your overall well-being.

Find the Cause of Your Tinnitus

The first step in coping with tinnitus it is to learn the cause behind these sounds. A wide range of things can be at fault for the ringing in your ears, like:

    • Recent or frequent exposure to loud noises

Earwax buildup

    • Various health conditions


It’s also worth noting that tinnitus itself is a symptom of hearing loss. Seeing a hearing instrument specialist to get a hearing evaluation is the best way to understand where your tinnitus comes from.

Once you have a better understanding of the potential cause, you can try various tinnitus treatment options to calm the symptoms and reduce the buzzing sensation in your ears.

Remove Earwax Impactions

Professional earwax removal may be necessary for some individuals with tinnitus. If a blockage is causing the buzzing or whistling sound, having your ears syringed or safely unblocked will help. This directly tackles the cause and should provide you with instant relief. If your ears keep getting blocked, you may need to schedule regular earwax removal appointments.

Protect Your Hearing from Loud Noises

If you attend a concert or work in a noisy environment, loud noises can cause chronic tinnitus. This will eventually lead to hearing loss, which is why protecting your hearing is so important. Talk to a hearing instrument specialist for advice on the ideal hearing protection aids. Earmuffs are a popular option – especially if you work in loud environments. However for concerts or loud hobbies, earplugs may be a better solution. Protecting your hearing ensures the issue doesn’t get worse while allowing the tinnitus to slowly die down. It’s a good idea to do this after you’ve been exposed to loud noises for a prolonged period.

Consider Hearing Aids

As mentioned before, tinnitus is often one of the early symptoms of hearing loss. Therefore, the best way to treat it and cope with tinnitus is through hearing aids. A hearing aid will help you hear things once again, reducing the strain on your ear’s internal structures that process sound. They don’t have to work as hard, which can get rid of the sensation of tinnitus. It’s a very simple yet effective way of treating tinnitus that’s caused by hearing loss.

For extra help, be sure your hearing instrument specialist knows that tinnitus is a big issue for you. As a result, they will find hearing aids that come with special masking features designed to help you reduce tinnitus noises and make them less noticeable.

Utilize Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is the process of using different sounds to soothe your mind and help you focus on things other than tinnitus. Getting a white noise machine for your bedroom or downloading a sound therapy app are fantastic ideas.

Turn the sound therapy devices on when going to bed and focus on the noises they make. This encourages your brain to stop thinking about the buzzing sound in your ears and start focusing on something else. It’s one of the best ways to relax and fall asleep when experiencing tinnitus.

Ask About Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

TRT is a popular method of coping with this condition and is often used in tandem with additional treatment options like hearing aids. It involves training your brain to respond differently to tinnitus. Retraining your brain’s response to tinnitus will provide you the ability to address these symptoms anywhere at any time. You stop focusing on the buzzing and can almost filter it out naturally.

Get Help for Tinnitus Today

There’s no need to deal with tinnitus on your own or allow it to negatively affect your life. At Bay Area Hearing Care Professionals, we provide a range of tinnitus treatments to suit your needs. If need help coping with this condition, give us a call now at (727) 202-4330.